
@media 2007 and @mediaAjax announced

Last week I attended my first ever @media. After offering to pretty much sell a kidney to go last year, I was extra chuffed to get to go and help out too! Plus, it was a double treat for me in that I got to see the results of Patrick’s hard work over the last few months (which I’ve somewhat had the pleasure of seeing from behind the scenes) as well as of course having the opportunity to see a host top presenters.

Highlight for me? Joe Clark, easily. I like his take-no-prisoners attitude and that he speaks his mind. I gather a few people may not agree with him, but that’s cool - I think what he does especially well is just give you another point-of-view to look a problem from and encourages you to really evaluate what the real issue is.

<p>I also enjoyed <a href="http://www.allinthehead.com" rel="friend met colleague">Drew</a> and <a href="http://www.colly.com" rel="acquaintance colleague met">Colly</a>’s High Noon Shoot-out.  Not only was it funny, but it did have an underlying point that compromise and knowing your audience is really important. </p>
<p>I’m really want the podcasts to be available <strong>now</strong>, because I never remember to take any notes.</p>
<p>Ah, but the best bit is that the @media fun does not end there.  <a href="http://www.vivabit.com/atmediaajax/">@media Ajax</a> has been announced for later this year in November!</p>
<p>Best swag of the event?  My personalised <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/dexterperrin/537446975/" title="Link to a photo of my awesome shirt with ptg and paul"><strong>green</strong> @media logo shirt</a>, of course.