Week 272

I got a new phone, which is literally the most exciting thing that happened this week, so take of that what you will. It's a Pixel 3, so of course, the main thing is having to retrain my thumb to do whichever arbitrary change their UI designers have made to task switching. This time, it's removing the whole button. Joy. Also, turns out some folks don't know that you can control a lot of things about Chrome by using chrome://flags - like, for example, getting rid of the bloody news feed and recent bookmarks. I do like the wireless charging, though, this feels closer to the future I was promised.

I picked up a book a couple of weeks ago about felting (it's in Japanese, I can't read it). I'm not intending to get into felting - I simply bought it because the photos were so cute - but then I accidentally bought some felting wool. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It's all bird felting projects, too.
It's all bird felting projects, too.
Very cheap daiso felting wool.
Very cheap daiso felting wool.
Giving this week's some halloween vibes.
Giving this week's some halloween vibes.