Jawbone Up Review

I've had a fair few people ask about the Jawbone Up I've been wearing since November (the second version, not the recalled first one - although, as you'll read, perhaps this one should have been too). Here's how I've found it.

The good

The reason I waited on the Up, over say the Nike Fuelband, was because I wanted a wrist-wearable tracker plus sleep data. The FitBit One has a wearable night-time band, but it looks rather large and cumbersome and I didn't want a clothes-clip tracker in the day time (where do dress wearers clip them?).

Jawbone Up

The Up band's size is really good and it's comfy and it doesn't look ridiculous.

I like the sleep tracking, although I feel like it's not terribly accurate - if I wake and don't move around much, it doesn't record it as a waking period - but it's accurate enough to collect the information I'm interested in.

I have been a bad sleeper for a long time, but having actual data about the length of time I've been asleep and awake has helped reduce my anxiety about a bad night's sleep (it always feels like a lifetime when you're awake in the middle of the night and don't want to be - but turns out it isn't), which in turn has helped improve how well I go to sleep generally, I think.

I also like the smart-alarm - before I'd put off looking at the clock to see the time, but the gentle nudge that, yes, it is about time I got up is really useful, and again, anxiety reducing.

The steps tracking seems fine. I've never bothered to calibrate it, since I don't do much exercise except walking - but it seems to match the distances I do regularly around the city. It's fun - I'm not competing, so it's mostly just interesting. I hear from others that it basically can't cope with running or cycling, though.

The bad

It broke. Twice. The first time, it broke after about 6 weeks - the vibration feature (needed for the smart-alarm and idle alert) just stopped working for no apparent reason. At the time, the Up band wasn't out in the UK, so Jawbone were not willing to replace it (ugh) but when I said I'd be in New York for a week, they agreed to courier me a replacement to the Google office there while I was in town - which I think was really just a nice act on the part of one very good customer service rep I'd met on the support forums. Had I not been on the forum or nagged on twitter, I suspect I'd have been left out of pocket.

Unfortunately, the second band stopped working a couple of months later. The smart-alarm feature became temperamental and often wouldn't go off at all, and the button on the end of the band had become dislodged and no longer clicked. This time, the band was out in the UK, and they sent me another one immediately.

I've been wearing the third one for about a week and I honestly expect it'll break soon, too, sadly. Edd, who originally picked up my first band for me while he was in New York, had his first and second bands break too (the second after only 2 weeks) - so the statistical data I have available to me is not very favourable and a quick look through the forums will find most people in similar situations.

The other stuff

They just released third-party app integration, but sadly on iOS devices only (I use a Nexus 4 day to day, so syncing with an iOS device is an extra annoyance if I want to use those features). I expect that'll help make the data the band is recording more interesting.

Otherwise, these are things I wish it had:

But, these are all minor gripes - I'd recommend but for the fact that they clearly have not managed to make a band that doesn't expire every 2 months.

I'm mostly just hoping this band will hold out long enough for the delivery of the Fitbit Flex I just pre-ordered.

Update: My 3rd band has the same smart alarm fault. Sigh.