Leaving the BBC, joining Nature Publishing Group

It's true - I am leaving the BBC! As of June 2nd, I'll be a front-end developer at Nature.

The last three years at the BBC have been good ones. I think the quality of the output and massive range of products that have come out of the development teams has just been amazing. It feels like everyone I have had the pleasure of working with at the Beeb has been smart, engaged and really got the web and wanted to make cool things.

I'm certainly sad to be leaving. I'll of course be missing the Glow Super Friends a lot, in particular, but I feel that I've made brilliant friends and connections in various corners of the company and there are many I hope to continue seeing a lot of and will no doubt get to work with again in the future. I leave knowing I'm going to miss everyone to pieces, but London really isn't that big - so they won't get rid of me too easily, even if I do have to stalk Vesbar.

But ever onwards - the season called for a change of scenery and getting a look at a whole new ecosystem of challenges. I think working at Nature will be great and I can't wait to get stuck in. I only hope they're ready for my special brand of optimism.