London Web Standards - slides and further info

Sorry for the delay, but I finally got around to sticking my presentation from last month's London Web Standards meet-up on slideshare. Slideshare is a bit naff to be honest, but it'll do for now. If you click through to the talk on slideshare, you'll be able to get my notes which should hopefully make the pictures more useful. Jake's busy syncing up both of our presentations to the videos so that we can show them on the BBC developer blog, so as soon as they're available I'll link those up too and you can view me in full hand-flapping, ranting form.

I think I speak for both of us when I say that we really enjoyed the evening - everyone was lovely and friendly and asked really excellent questions. Highly recommendable meet-up, and we're both intending to try and make it to some of the future sessions.

Some useful links from my stuff: