Planning Glow 2 - we want your feedback!

This is an external post I wrote for the BBC Web Developer Blog

Now we've got Glow 1.7 out the door, our minds are turning towards planning for version 2, our next major release which will be out in the new year. We're planning a significant overhaul, and as the major version increment indicates this will include a fundamental rewrite of large portions of the library.

Now is also a great time for users and contributors to get involved. Please tell us what you've liked and disliked about version 1, and what features you'd most like to see in version 2.

We have produced a set of four themes that we'd like to explore in Glow 2. These might get you thinking about what your perfect desert island library would contain, or maybe you think we've missed something vital?

We really want to hear what you think. If you'd like to talk to us about your ideas then join us on our mailing list, chat with us on IRC or you can send @bbcglow a message on twitter or by adding the hastag #bbcglow2 - we'll do our best to respond to everyone who sends us a suggestion.