Microformats London social

Drew Mclellan (developer of the awesome hKit) and I have discussed a Microformats Social here in the UK for a while but never got anywhere with it, but now we’ve named a date and want to see levels of interest.

We’ve gone for a Saturday - 30th September. So, it’s a little breather after the upcoming events. If you think you can make it, please register your interest either on the wiki page, or the upcoming.org events page. Drop a comment to say if you’d like to do something in particular on one of those pages or on here. This is mostly designed to be a social, but it’ll be an opportunity to discuss any projects you’ve got on the go, get more involved, or clarify any problems you might be having.

We were thinking a trip to a microbrewery would be appropriate - so if you know of one in London which is easily accessible (i.e. near a tube) and wouldn’t mind a hoard of microformateers visiting, let us know about that too.

If you’re at BarCampLondon or d.Construct then you can always talk to us about it there too (or we may draft you into coming along!).