Baked posts

For the last year, I've been writing monthly for the Pastry Box Project, along with 30 other folks of the web. We're rather cutely referred to as "bakers".

I'm all done now, and you can see all the posts I've written here.

My favourite one that seemed to strike the most chords with people (that later became a talk) was:

"UX" as a single person's role strikes me as a red herring. User experience is everyone's job to get right -- from making sure servers respond quickly to having buttons that seem tangible and copy that's understandable. "Good UX" should be a core competency within every team member.

I contributed a small thought along the same lines for the She Said It advent calendar - a set of uplifting and optimistic pieces of advice from a selection of web people without a Y chromosome to newer designers and developers. You can see mine here.